at home with portrait by granddaughter Hannah

At home, with the portrait by my granddaughter Hannah

Welcome to my retrospective exhibition

Some of my paintings through so many years, have been put together for this show.  I came to this country from Norway in 1949 as a very happy bride of my husband Rudolph Johnson.  Rudy made it possible to continue painting and taking classes. 

I had three children each two years apart.  I had my education in Norway and started to exhibit and sell paintings before I left.  Little did I know how hard it was to be a woman artist in this country.  With the love of my husband and my love for him, this is some of my paintings, all dedicated to him.

This exhibit was inspired by my son Arden, and his partner Casey Meshbesher did the photography and computer work, putting it online.

I also have support from my children, Kai Johnson, daughter Iva Arneng, and my grandchildren Ivar Johnson, Lila, Hannah and Robin Savage.

A high quality, professionally printed photo book of the retrospective is available for purchase through Blurb.


Så mange av mine bilder gjennom årene har blitt samlet for denne utstillingen.  Jeg kom til USA i 1949 som meget lykkelig nygift med min mann Rudolph Johnson (Rudy).  Rudy gjorde det mulig for meg å fortsette å male og studere kunst.

Vi fikk tre barn med to års mellomrom.  Jeg var utdannet maler i Norge og hadde litt suksess før jeg ble gift, men med Rudys hjelp fortsatte jeg mine studier i USA.  Jeg visste ikke hvor vanskelig det var å være kunstner her i landet og særlig det å være kvinnelig maler.  Med den kjærlighet og oppmuntring jeg fikk fra min mann, klarte jeg å male en del.  Alle mine bilder er malt for ham.

Utstillingen er ideen av vår sønn Arden Johnson og satt sammen av hans livsledsager Casey Meshbesher, en begavet fotograf med mesterlige computerkunnskaper.

Jeg har også fått oppmuntring og hjelp fra vår sønn Kai Johnson og vår datter Iva Arneng.  Også barnebarna Ivar Johnson, Robin Savage, Lila Savage og Hannah Savage.


Visit the gallery/ til galleri

Read article about previous exhibits

Les artikkelen på norsk


Thanks to my nephew Terje Arneng for hosting this website, and for two photos (black swans of Anár/Inari; abstraction).
Thanks to my granddaughter Lila Savage for providing three additional photos (a model painted in 1943; First of May parade; Norway, 1948). Thanks to my husband Rudy for taking about a dozen of these photos years ago. Thanks to Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum of Decorah, Iowa for photos of the three paintings in their collection (Strømmen, Finnmark; Langfjord, Sørvaranger; Tree.) The rest of my paintings, and my home page portrait, were photographed by Casey Meshbesher, visit her photography gallery here.

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